I had taken this photo for my automobile because when i think about it, this was the first thing that had came to my mind was a fire truck.
I have this photo for light, when i was walking through the alley i had noticed, some lighting reflecting off of the wall and i had interpreted it as 'Light'.
Hard Work
I had taken a photo of this guy working, and interpreted it as 'Hard Work' cause in my mind, he has to walk around with a pole attached, to a hose and wash all the windows downtown.
I took this photo for 'Boot', because in my mind this is their companies logo that makes them their money, and when i had though about 'boots' the first thing that came, to my mind was a giant boot.
Gaoler Mews
This is my photo for 'Gaoler Mews', i had tried taking the photo from a upward view to try, and add some more interest to it.
I have this photo for my 'trains' cause in my mind, when i had thought about it, the first thing that came to my mind, was the west coast express that travels, from downtown Vancouver to mission.
Old Vs New
I have this photo for Old vs New, when i had walked through the oldest part of gastown, i had looked at this wall and thought it would fit perfectly, because they have glass elevator attached to a brick wall it gives off the vibe 'Old Vs New'.
This Represents the word 'Vancouver' because if you are a tourist or new to Vancouver, this is the place you will go to get city tours and find out what Vancouver is about.
This is my photo for 'Water', when you think about the word water a lot comes to mind, but in this case it had came to me as a street sign because i had been walking down water street so that's how i interpreted it.
I had interpreted stairs this way to me, these stairs are leading to the land of wonders meaning 'wonders of Vancouver'.